Tuesday, August 8, 2023


Welcome, Gregory!

Hello, new Second Graders and Families! 

Here is our blog site for both students and guardians to utilize. I will be using this site mainly to store important information and links. If and when I do add a new post, you will be alerted through ParentSquare. 

Check out the pages up at the top and links to the side. They will take you to websites, book suggestions, math games, and more. 

I look forward to meeting you and getting to know you all soon!

Don't forget:
Second Grade Meet and Greet:  Wednesday, August 30th from 2:00-3:00
   *Feel free to bring any supplies if you have them. 
Curriculum Night: Wednesday, August 30th from 7:15-8:15

Please let me know if you can't make it to either event so I can get information to you.

                                                                                         -Mrs. Bonnie LaMonaco 

*Here are the Google Form versions of the parent and child interviews.
Click here if you prefer to fill them out electronically.  Otherwise, the paper form will be sent home with my welcome letter.

Here's a picture of my family at Watkins Glen!
Mr. LaMonaco, Alex (11), & Sam (13)

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